
I'm Sheetal Jain

A Data Analyst and A Content Writer

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My Skills

Problem Solving

A good number of problems I have solved by implementing different Data Structures such as Array, String, Binary Tree, Linked List etc. on Following Plateforms:

Statistical and Analytical Thinking

I have prepared Quantitative Aptitude For many Different Exams Such as CAT, XAT, NIMCET, CMAT, MBA MHCET, etc. and recieved 90%tile + score. I have also accomplished various skills Certificates. Check Here : Skill Certificates


I am efficient at Written as well as oral communication. I have written many Articles on different subjects.

My Projects


Today's Event

It is a front hand projects.I build it using HTML and CSS. The objective of this project is to inform the community regarding today's event.


Demystified Code

It is a community plateform. I designed it to connect coders and programmers. On demystified coders,students can share their articles on CS subjects, solution to a coding questions, roadmap for different career options, career guidence, etc. I used HTML, CSS for frontend and Python for backend, and mongodb to maintain the users detailes.


Book My Meal Online

It is an online food booking plateform. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JS.


Hospital Management System

The software developed is Hospital Management System Software that is designed by Sheetal Jain and Sachin Mahor.It has been designed keeping in mind today’s complex healthcare system’s requirements and the importance of TIME.
Source Code


Uncovering Furniture Sales Insights(EDA Project)

Sheetal Jain and Shivani Sharma collaborated on a comprehensive analysis of a dataset, aiming to uncover profound insights. Our shared dedication is to delve deeper into the data to reveal invaluable patterns and trends


I will be adding more innovative projects in future

As I embrace the mastery of cutting-edge tools and technologies, I am poised to continually enrich my portfolio with innovative projects.

About Me

an AIML student at LNCT University

Hello! I'm Sheetal Jain, an MCA student specializing in AIML at LNCT University, Bhopal. Explore my projects in the "My Projects" section, and download my resume for more details. If you see a potential match for an opportunity in your organization, feel free to reach out. Looking forward to connecting!

Download Resume

Contact Me


M.G. Road, Delhi Gate,
Near Pshpanjali Hospital, Agra

My Social Media Handles